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Lunch Program

Lunch Prices:

Breakfast and Lunch at NO CHARGE for the school year. Money for extras and a la carte items will still need to be provided. Elementary students do NOT need to fill out a free/reduced lunch application.

 The lunch price for adult visitors and employees is $4.35. Special lunches will be more. 

A La Carte prices:

  • Ice cream - 75¢
  • Chips, Rice Krispies treats, cereal bars, yogurt & cereal - 50¢
  • Teddy Grahams, Goldfish crackers, and some cookies - 25¢
  • Bottled Water - 75¢
  • A cup of water - 10¢


Making Payments:

Payments are made through the Titan Online Payments System.

Disclaimer: Changes in menu may occur without prior notice due to equipment failure, weather, or problems with deliveries.